Kigtropin HGH Hot Sell Bodybuilding Fitness Somatropin
Kigtropin hgh 100iu or 200iu kits
- Manufacturer: GeneScience Pharmaceutical
- Package :10iu/10vials/1kits,20iu/10vials/1kits
- Price: $125/100iu kits
- Minimum Order:1 kits
- Payment : Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency), Paypal, T.T(Domestic bank transfer),W.U, WISE,Payoneer
- Delivery: 100% delivery in 5-15 days .
- Shipping country : worldwide
- Recommended:5 star
Human growth hormone (HGH), commonly associated with bodybuilding and muscle growth, plays a vital role in the body’s metabolic processes. Produced by the pituitary gland, HGH deficiency can lead to growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and affect muscle mass, body fat, and energy levels in those affected. It is will increased fat loss and enhanced cosmetic muscle growth. So Bodybuilders may inject human growth hormone to achieve a more muscular appearance.
Kigtropin HGH is one of synthetic HGH injections brand product.It is one of the most potent recombinant Human Growth Hormones on the market today. Many Bodybuilders use it for bodybuilding. It has become one of brand, if not the most popular peptide brand product on the planet.
What Is The Kigtropin HGH ?
Kigtropin HGH is one of synthetic HGH injections brand product.It is one of the most potent recombinant Human Growth Hormones on the market today.Most bodybuilders take kigtropin HGH for its anabolic effects and potential to increase muscle gains,
Kigtropin rhgh is a human growth hormone synthesized using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology, It is a proper 191 amino acid sequence Somatropin (natural to human body) and is produced by GeneScience Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. It is created using secretion technology ,Genetically modified E.coli bacteria secrete human body’s identical somatropin which is then isolated and freeze dried. The dried product is rhgh.This method produces a very stable form of a molecule, which is to survive room temperatures or shaking.. When freeze dried it remains stable at 37C (98F degrees) for over 30 days or 45C degrees for over a week.
The rDNA technology allows for a totally pure synthetic HGH to be developed, and one that is not at risk of contamination. So kigtropin is the pure pharmaceutical grade HGH.
According to IMS, an internationally recognized marketing firm, kigtropin is the absolute market leader in China with just over 75% of market share. It was first introduced in 1997 when it was the first somatropin brand produced in China.
My Company Kigtropin Laboratory Test Results

Purity > 99.2%
Amount or HGH in the Vail:3.6mg/10.9iu
Blood test > 20

Kigtropin HGH Benefits & Effects
The increased energy HGH gives you also helps you build more muscle. It takes energy to push heavy weights around. Plus, the previous strength gains benefit goes hand in hand with this one. Extra strength will lead to more muscle and vice versa.
The amount of strength you produce is highly dependant on the amount of HGH you have flowing through your body. It’s true that bigger muscles can move bigger weights, but having the strength to move the weights in the first place is paramount.
Read more Human Growth Hormone for Bodybuilding here.
Human growth hormone cuts down the time it takes you to recover – between both exercises and workouts. If you’re doing a circuit-type workout, for example, you’ll be able to recover faster between exercises when your HGH levels are elevated.
Higher human growth hormone levels give you more energy, which means you’ll burn more calories during your workouts and while doing daily activities. And that means you’ll burn fat and lose weight faster.
You need strong bones to support your body when you’re doing anything physical. Elevated HGH levels keep your bones stronger and more resistant to breaks – especially important as you begin to age.
HGH contributes to the brain as much as the body. When your human growth hormone levels are high, so is your ability to think and focus.
Your sexual function is directly related to your testosterone and human growth hormone output. When they are on an even keel, so is your sexual appetite. HGH can even help you achieve better erections.
You can’t always be in a good mood. But if your HGH levels are lower than normal, you’ll have an even tougher time being happy. However, when your levels are on par, the game changes. Your mood will stay elevated and you’re less likely to be anxious.
It’s during sleep that your body goes into recovery mode – both physically and mentally. If you deprive yourself of sleep, this will have an adverse effect on your wellbeing, and your human growth hormone release.
On the flipside, if your HGH levels are normal or high, you’ll have no trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, which means you’ll feel more refreshed the next day.
Higher human growth hormone levels result in better physical characteristics in the body – such as healthier hair and faster hair growth.
Side Effects
Depending on the dosage and each individual’s response to growth hormone treatment produces typical side effects associated with high purity somatropin. These side effects range from requirement to take afternoon “baby” naps, carpal tunnel syndrome, water retention, morning aches and hypoglycemia.
Now All the HGH product maybe also have following side effects :
ACROMEGALY (ENLARGED BODY PARTS) | HGH overload can cause a condition called acromegaly. This causes certain parts of your body to grow bigger – and trust me, not the parts you’d like. HGH makes your bones grow when you’re young. But when you’re a fully grown adult, you can’t grow bigger or taller no matter how much HGH you have. What happens instead is HGH makes your bones thicker instead of longer – especially the ones in your hands, feet and face. Not a good look. And the growing pains you’ll experience are no fun either. |
INCREASED RISK OF HEART ATTACK | Acromegaly caused by too much HGH can also affect the heart. This is called cardiomegaly, and an enlarged heart means you’re more susceptible to heart attacks. |
HYPOGLYCEMIA AND INCREASED RISK OF DIABETES | HGH can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Symptoms of hypoglycemia include lightheadedness, shakiness and fatigue. Hypoglycemia can also increase your risk of getting diabetes. |
MAN BOOBS (GYNECOMASTIA) | You’ll also know these as moobs, or by their clinical name, gynecomastia. Any way you slice it, as a man, this is not a physical feature you want to be sporting around the beach come summertime. Caused when your balance of estrogen, testosterone and HGH fall out of whack, gynecomastia can definitely put a damper on your self-confidence levels. |
NUMBNESS AND TINGLING | Excess HGH levels put your nervous system under excess strain. The end result can be tingling sensations in your extremities – particularly your hands. In some cases, you can also develop carpal tunnel syndrome, which can make even the most routine of daily activities hard to do. |
Why Choice Kigtropin For Bodybuilding?
HGH is indicated for patients suffering from severe burns, or recovering after major operation and AIDS patients,They use it to prevent muscle wasting, and Children with developmental delays caused by various diseases, they need hgh stimulates linear cell growth and increases growth rate in children who lack adequate endogenous growth hormone.
But In adults with growth hormone deficiency, HGH improves metabolism which in effect reduces body’s fat storage, raises energy levels, increases muscle mass, vitality and overall well-being.
Because Injections of hGH can help people with a growth hormone deficiency to:
- increase exercise capacity
- improve bone density
- build muscle mass
- reduce body fat
Because of these benefits, many people use hGH to enhance their athletic ability. It’s sometimes used in combination with anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and to enhance athletic performance.
As bodybuilder said: “Somatropin HGH is the most popular drug among bodybuilders around the world. We appreciate it for the ability of burning fat, helping to build muscle, strengthen the ligament and articular apparatus. Observe the dosage and get the result you dream of.”
Kigtropin as one of brand of hgh product ,Since its launch, Kigtropin hgh has quickly gained favor among bodybuilders around the world with its low price and high-efficiency product quality, becoming one of the most popular hgh products.
Kigtropin Benefits For The Bodybuilder Build Muscle
Bodybuilders injection HGH to enhance nitrogen retention which is needed forincreasing protein synthesis within the muscle. Many bodybuilders will takeHGH to prevent muscle loss in between steroid cycles.
And kigtropin hgh benefits of taking HGH include:
- Stimulate protein anabolism in muscle tissue
- Increase protein synthesis
- Reduce the oxidation of proteins.
- Increase amino acid absorption
- .Enhances your bodies ability to use fat by breaking down triglycerides
- Injection HGH Increase your body HGH level
Injection kigtropin HGH in optimal doses will give you the best results. It’s most likely thatthe people you see taking extreme amounts of HGH are novice bodybuilders.They think that taking large doses will help them transform their physiquefaster which is not true.
Kigtropin Dosage
Kigtropin HGH effects on the body highly depend on the HGH dose you are taking, duration, and frequency of intake. The doses you need depend mainly on the purpose of taking HGH.
Kigtropin hgh Human growth hormone is measured in IU (international units) and mg (milligrams). 1 mg equals approximately 3 IU while 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg.
- 2-3 IUs – Recommended dosage for anti-aging purposes and improvement of skin, bones, and joints.
Low doses below 3 IU can produce the desired anti-aging effects with very few to no side effects.
With 2-3 IUs, users can notice a progressive improvement in their skin. Users will also experience better sleep and an increase in energy. - 4-8 IUs – Recommended HGH dosage for fat loss and building lean muscle mass.
With these higher doses, risks of side effects increase. Users may experience mild swelling in their fingertips, toe tips, and face due to increased water retention. A rare yet serious side effect of HGH at this dosage is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which a painful tingling sensation occurs in the wrist and hands which may be unbearable at times. - 8-15 IUs – Recommended for muscle mass gain for bodybuilders and athletes.
The suggested dosages are for everyone however the effectiveness depends mostly on each individual’s personal diet and exercise regimen.
Experience With Using Kigtropin HGH
- 1st-time users: For beginners, the results of Kigtropin HGH depend on the body structure. For lean individuals, beginning Kigtropin HGH with a low dosage is highly advised, about 4- IUs.
- Long-term users: Many athletes and bodybuilders use Kigtropin HGH for long periods to assist them with building muscle. For experienced long-term users, the often-used dosage is approximately 10 IUs. This high dosage is used only by professional sportsmen and sportswomen before sporting competitions.
Timing and Duration - 3 IUs and below: Injected once a day
- 4 IUs and above: Injected twice a day, 5-6 days a week. Be sure to not inject the 2nd dosage before you sleep. When you sleep, your body naturally secretes its own natural HGH and acts as the third dosage.
Kigtropin HGH Cycle Duration
- Short cycle: 1-2 months
Recommended duration for improving the state of cartilage and skin; heal joints traumas. The cycle is repeated at least twice a year to see significant results. - Long cycle: 5-6 months
Not recommended in people without diagnosed growth hormone deficiency. - Optimal cycle: 3-4 months
Recommended repeating 3-4 months cycle once to twice a year.
Note: Longer duration of 3-4 months with a lower dosage is more recommended than a shorter duration with a higher dosage. Shorter durations with higher dosages can have more side effects.
Kigtropin HGH Dosing Protocol (ED, EOD, 3TW)
- Every Day (ED): Most commonly used and recommended
- Every Other Day (EOD): Recommended for people targeting muscle gain and for financially limited people.
- 3 times a week (3TW): Used for children with growth deficiency, however, it is not a recommended protocol for muscle gain.
How To Use Kigtropin HGH For Bodybuilding
In this section, we will talk about how to use HGH for bodybuilding: cycle duration, dosing protocols, drug combining, the correct diet to use while on cycle, and training suggestions.
1. Cycle Duration
The effects of HGH become noticeable after two weeks of use, and average users will see dramatic improvement within two months. Most cycles run at least two months, with the average more along the lines of three-four months. Typically this would be followed by an off-cycle of the same length. When running a longer cycle, you can use a smaller dosage of HGH.
2. Effective Dosing
The effective dose of Kigtropin HGH for bodybuilding is 4-8 IU. If you’re using Kigtropin HGH for the first time, a dose of 4-6 IU will be effective. Advanced cycles run-up to a limit of 8-15 IUs. Anything beyond 15 IU’s can be considered excessive. As a cautionary measure, if you use 10 IUs or more, it’s suggested to include insulin in your stack to help prevent problems with the pancreas. This is because the primary negative side effect of Kigtropin HGH use is the risk of diabetes.
3. The Best Time To Inject Kigtropin HGH
Typically, you will take two injections of Kigtropin HGH per day. It will be easier for the liver to process two injections, and two dosages provide more consistent results. The best time to inject the first dose of HGH is in the morning when your level of blood sugar is low. HGH will have the strongest fat-burning effect at this time. Many bodybuilders perform cardio at this time of day, typically on an empty stomach or after a small amount of protein. Injecting Kigtropin HGH in the morning on an empty stomach makes sense because it will effectively burn more fat. This is because free fatty acid levels in the blood will be high.
Even if you are not on a cutting program, you should still take your first injection in the morning. You should take your second one 6-8 hours later when levels of IGF-1 and Kigtropin HGH have begun to decrease. The dose should be the same for both injections. If you find it difficult to take the second dosage at this time, you can take it before you go to bed.
4. Kigtropin HGH Frequency Protocols
There are two common frequency protocols of HGH for bodybuilding: Every Day (ED) and Every Other Day (EOD).
Let’s look at each:
- ED (every day) – This is the most efficient because it provides a consistent level of HGH and IGF-1. You will get the best results from consistent daily use.
- EOD (every other day) – This is a good choice if budget is an issue. The primary advantage of an EOD protocol is that you can use HGH for a longer period of time. The primary disadvantage is that this will not be as good for fat loss. This is because the use of fat for energy by HGH is dose-dependent.
Some users rotate ED with EOD to balance budget considerations with the advantages of ED use.
Combining HGH And Other Bodybuilding Drugs
Kigtropin HGH works well alone but you can enhance your results if you combine it with other bodybuilding drugs such as steroids and insulin.
Steroids are of course the main drug used by bodybuilders. The combination of HGH and steroids make a lot of sense. Steroids have a stronger anabolic effect than HGH. However, if you combine them you experience a synergistic muscle growth effect. Also, with HGH you’ll gain lean muscle because it burns body fat so effectively.
Insulin is another powerful anabolic compound. HGH and insulin cause a synergistic effect on protein synthesis. However, insulin blocks the fat-burning function of HGH. That makes this combination more effective for off-season mass cycles. This combination is important if you’re taking 10 IUs or more of HGH. In terms of injection times, you can inject insulin about 30 minutes after your HGH injection. You’ll need to be careful when using insulin because it can lead to a hypoglycemic coma, which can be fatal. To ensure safe use, you will want to begin with 2 IUs of insulin and increase your dosage slowly over the length of the cycle.
Specific Bulking & Cutting Combinations
For bulking:
- 6-8 weeks – HGH 6-12 IU + Dbol (30-50 mg/day) or Tbol for 6-8 weeks.
- 8-10 Weeks – HGH 6-12 IU per day, plus Testosterone enanthate, cypionate, or Sustanon (250-1000 mg per week).
For cutting:
For the length of the cycle – HGH 4-8 IU plus 50 mg of Winstrol/ Anavar.
Where Can I Get Sterile Or Bacteriostatic Water?
You can try you local pharmacy as it may not require a prescription in your country. Most people get strile water and bacteriostatic over the internet. Just run a google search for Bacteriostatic Water. You should get plenty of sites offering it. Prices are very low. Make sure the water you get reads “for injection” on the vial.
What Is The Difference Between Sterile And Bacteriostatic Water?
You can use either, the difference is for how long the hgh solution will remain potent. Reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (also known as Sterile Water water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol) – An kigtropin vial should be used within 10 days.
Reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection – An kigtropin vial should be used within 3 days.
How much bacteriostatic water solvent do I need mix for Kigtropin 10iu?
You should use 1ml of bacteriostatic water for every 10IU of HGH. Typically, bacteriostatic water is available for sale in a 30ml vial.
So, one 30ml vial of water will last you 300IU of HGH.
Notice :
Thanks to the preservatives in bacteriostatic water, HGH will be able to survive for up to 28 days while being refrigerated at 36-46°F.
How to Mix Kigtropin Hgh?
Before using it, follow these instructions:
- Before you start, make sure you’ve got sterile vials, bacteriostatic water, alcohol swabs, syringes and needles, and laboratory gloves.
the process and reduces the risk of contamination. - Add 1mL of sterile water to the Kigtropin HGH vial.
Carefully draw the measured amount of bacteriostatic water into the syringe. Inject it slowly into the vial containing kigtropin powder. - Release the water slowly and strictly on the side of the glass vial.
Avoid direct streams to minimize the risk of damaging the peptide structure. Aim for the sides of the vial to allow the solvent to gently run down and mix with the peptide. - DON’T SHAKE the vial violently as this will disrupt the solution.
Gently swirl the vial to mix the solution. Do not shake—vigorous movements can damage the delicate structure of kigtropin HGH. - Continue to swirl until all the powder dissolves to achieve a clear solution.
Check visually to confirm the powder has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear.
Where To Inject Kigtropin For Best Results?
The most common places to inject kigtropin are the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. However, you can also inject it into the arms or shoulders. Experiment with different injection sites to see which gives you the best results.
How Long Does It Take For Kigtropin To Start Working?
It typically takes a few weeks for kigtropin to start working. However, the exact time it takes will vary from person to person.
Where Can I Inject Kigtropin HGH?
There are eight possible locations where you can inject yourself with Kigtropin HGH. It’s recommended you choose four of those possible eight and cycle between them every application. The sites include the backs of each arm, the top or outside of either thigh, the sides of your belly, or the outer portion of your bum.
We recommend you keep a journal documenting which site you injected last and at what time to avoid confusion. It might be beneficial to log when you use a new cartridge so you can keep track of expiration dates and dosages.
The Best Time To Inject Kigtropin HGH
Typically, you will take two injections of Kigtropin HGH per day. It will be easier for the liver to process two injections, and two dosages provide more consistent results. The best time to inject the first dose of it is in the morning when your level of blood sugar is low. It will have the strongest fat-burning effect at this time. Many bodybuilders perform cardio at this time of day, typically on an empty stomach or after a small amount of protein. Injecting it in the morning on an empty stomach makes sense because it will effectively burn more fat. This is because free fatty acid levels in the blood will be high.
Even if you are not on a cutting program, you should still take your first injection in the morning. You should take your second one 6-8 hours later when levels of IGF-1 and GH have begun to decrease. The dose should be the same for both injections. If you find it difficult to take the second dosage at this time, you can take it before you go to bed.
How To Storage The Kigtropin ?
In its freeze-dried form
Kigtropin HGH Human Growth Hormone products must be always handled with care. Human Growth Hormone must also be refrigerated at all times. In its freeze-dried form, HGH has been found to possess a shelf life of approximately 18 months when stored in a refrigerator (approximately 2 – 8 degrees Celsius or 35.6 – 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit).
At normal room temperature (20 – 24 degrees Celsius or 68 – 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit), it possesses a shelf-life of approximately 30 days before it is destroyed and rendered inactive. Care must be ensured so as to not expose the powder to extreme heat (especially during the summer months if left in a car, for example) or extreme cold temperatures as these will destroy the molecule. Extreme heat as well as violent shaking has been demonstrated to destroy the HGH protein and render it inactive.
After Reconstituted
Once reconstituted (mixed with sterile water or bacteriostatic water), the shelf-life of Human Growth Hormone drops incredibly. Reconstituted HGH must be refrigerated at all times, and the two different types of water it is reconstituted with will also determine specific shelf-life. Shelf-lives of reconstituted products are as follows:
Bacteriostatic water: When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water (water that contains a small amount of benzyl alcohol for sterilization and preservation), Human Growth Hormone HGH possesses a shelf-life of approximately 2 weeks to 20 days (REFRIDGERATED).
Sterile water: When reconstituted with sterile water (pure distilled water that simply contains water-only and no sterilizers), Human Growth Hormone possesses a shelf-life of approximately 5 days (REFRIDGERATED).
When reconstituted with water, any exposure to temperatures higher than refrigeration for extended periods will destroy the hormone in under several hours.Growth Hormone is always prepared as a lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder and should never be packaged pre-mixed with water.
Kigtropin HGH After reconstituted with water: HGH must Storage at 2–8 ℃ in refigerator and avoid refrigeration(too low),it must be used within 72 hours. If you use sterile water, you should use the vial within 3 days .For bacteriostatic water, you should use the vial within 10 days
Why Have More Different Price Of Kigtropin In Markets?
Because have more supplier offer the kigtropin in different price. and some customer like the cheaper price kigtropin.
So we offer 2 grade quality kigtropin, all the prodct are the best in the same price product.
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kigtropin A 100iu and Kigtropin A 200iu kigtropin B
Where To Buy The Actual Kigtropin Product ?
Where to buy the best effect kigtropin product ? you could go to my company online shop,or contact us by email. tell us your order, we will make the order file for you, and send to you check it.
Understanding the potential side effects of Kigtropin HGH is crucial for making informed decisions about your health. While it’s undeniable that HGH plays a vital role in your body’s growth and metabolism, it’s also important to weigh these benefits against the risks. High blood pressure and diabetes are significant concerns that warrant careful consideration. also, the long-term implications of acromegaly and cardiovascular disease can’t be overlooked.
Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment to ensure it’s the right choice for your unique health profile. Stay informed and prioritize your well-being as you navigate the complexities of human growth hormone therapy.
Kigtropin Reviews And Average Rating
Human growth hormone HGH is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the pituitary gland.When administered exogenously (such as in synthetic form), it has been shown to stimulate muscle gains, reduce body fat, and enhance athletic performance. Taking kigtropin HGH has also been linked to improved bone strength.
If you intend to make kigtropin HGH a part of your cutting and/or bulking stacks, make sure that you follow up with proper post-cycle therapy. This synthetic peptide has been shown to lower endogenous testosterone production. So a PCT might be needed to reverse testosterone suppression.
Recreational use of growth hormone has been on the rise ever since synthetic variant first came on the 2 decades ago. Bodybuilders brought a lot of publicity to kigtropin as it was their favourite brand due to the low price, high quality and availability on the black market.But my company only offer the best effect kigtropin hgh,which come from the original factory.
We recommend the kigtropin HGH for sale from online shop, because it’s 3rd party tested for purity.
Of course, if you have any questions about kigtropin hgh feel free to ask us by email ([email protected]) and we’ll do our best to get back to you soon.